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For Oedipus a new Family Gestalt

Giovanni Salonia - Antonio Sichera - Valeria Conte

Editore: Istituto Gestalt Therapy Kairos
GTK Books, Libro
Pubblicazione: 2013
Pag. 135

Oedipus after Freud.
From the law of the father to the law of relationship.

by Giovanni Salonia

From freudian fracture to gestaltic continuity: the epistemological gap of Gestalt Therapy.
by Antonio Sichera

Letter to a young gestalt therapist.
Gestalt Therapy approach to family therapy.

by Giovanni Salonia

The refund grandson
Co-therapy carried out
by V. Conte and G. Salonia

Giusy’s Failed Degree
Therapy conducted by G. Salonia

Libro € 13,00
Ebook € 8,00

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